Friday, October 28, 2022

Avatar "Ita-Bag"

Ever since Pandora opened at Disney in 2017, I was excited not only for the experience but some of the merchandise, too! I love collecting things. I don't buy a lot of what they sell, because it's too simple in design or too obviously meant for children. However, one thing I really love are the pins

Disney can pin so good. (Yes, this is intentionally bad English 😂)

When I got my first batch of pins, one of the first ones I got was a round one with an atokirina in the middle. It was all silver and said "Pandora Conservation Initiative" (PCI for short). The first day I wore it on a bag, it fell off and I lost it. YIKES! Never again, I thought. First, these pins are precious to me, but also they're rather pricey.

So, I finally found a solution: a Japanese "ita bag". These are bags you might have seen, a side bag or backpack with a clear panel, and people put pins in an insert (usually but not always included with the bag). This guarantees you won't lose your pins!

Today I received my bag in the mail, as a I found a fairly plain, black-leather one. I wanted something simple and no fancy heart or other shapes you sometimes find with these bags.

Lanpet Ita Bag Backpack Purse PU Crossbody Messenger Bag JK Uniform Shoulder Bags Pins Display Bag 3Way Use Daypack 

 Then I headed to a craft store to buy some thin carboard paper, because this bag did not come with any stiff insert for the pins to actually go on. I found black, which is what I wanted, making sure it was thin enough that a pin can go through it but sturdy enough that it'll keep its shape. But, as I was looking around I also found some gorgeous craft paper that came in many colors, and they were kind of shiny! I was torn between a deep dark blue, and a light blue. Finally I went with the light blue because I want this to really pop!

I carefully measured out pieces of each and cut them together, then decided on pin placement. When I was happy I started sticking the pins through both, without any gluing as it really would not be needed.

Besides pins, I also thought it would be nice to include my passport from Pandora! 

(Please click the image to enlarge it!)

Finally, a finishing touch is the keychain on the side. It's a souvenir paper fast-pass from a seller on Etsy. Sadly Disney doesn't do paper fast-passes anymore. Nonetheless, I got this one with the date I first went to Pandora -- July 7th!

I am really happy with the bag. I actually have a few more pins on the way, too!

As a final touch, I am getting a two-sided, black leather card holder to add the kaltxì (hello) card with Neytiri from the collectable language cards packs. So, this is both an Avatar-and-Disney pack. 

What's best too is I can wear it both on the side or as a backpack, or take off the long straps altogether. My geeky heart is happy! 

Maybe you will make an ita bag too?

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Upcoming Avatar TWOW Books & New Animal Information!


There are a couple of exciting updates I wanted to share with everyone!

The first is that we seem to have gotten our first look at the akula, a name revealed way back when Pandora: The World of Avatar opened at Disney. Some really cool looking toys are coming out from a company called McFarlane Toys, and their posts here and here reveals an akula! It looks very much like a nalutsa, but there are some key differences. The akula is also known to be larger than the nalutsa, so I truly can't wait to see it on the big screen!

Additionally, McFarlane Toys also revealed in this post that the creature Jake rides in the Avatar 2 trailer is called a Skimwing-- very appropriately named! The Na'vi name for this animal, tsurak, has been printed on a revealed page from the second book I'm going to talk about today.

Speaking of McFarlane Toys, they're coming out with some AMAZING figures! You can view them all here at their store page!!!

I have to confess I am most excited about the reef with Ronal and Tonowari, and the ilu figure with Neteyam!


Now for the books! The first is another art book, "The Art of Avatar The Way of Water" by Tara Bennett.  The cover art alone is amazing, isn't it?!


You can pre-order it here on Penguin Random House or on the links they provide to you for a store you desire. Also, Barnes & Noble is not listed there, but they do have the books on the B&N website, too!

The other book slated to drop that day is a DK book called "Avatar: The Way of Water - The Visual Dictionary" by Joshue Izzo. As above, it's also available for pre-order on Penguin and multiple other places

Both books come out the same day as the movie -- December 16th!

I have already pre-ordered my copies, and hope everyone who wants the books gets them as soon as possible!

Monday, October 3, 2022

Eywa and the Hist

There is a great tree, a great many and yet so few, scattered here and there on this fantastical planet that are not "just trees" by any stretch of the imagination. They do not just take in water and sprout leaves or produce some sap, but are actually measurably conscious, living things that actively make decisions. And living around them are a whole people who's lives are absolutely centered on these trees that humans simply cannot fathom as anything other than a really big plant. Their culture, religion, and perhaps even language are shaped by these trees, and there is evidence that these trees will, in fact, make their will known if they need to.

I am actually not talking about the Hometree, the Trees of Voices or the Tree of Souls in Avatar, yet undoubtedly any Avatar fan reading this blog makes that connection instantly. Rather, I'm talking about the Hist.

What is the Hist, you might ask? Anyone who has played a game in The Elder Scrolls series has heard of this term. You can access this world through games like Skyrim (The Elder Scrolls V), Oblivion (IV) and Morrowind (III), and an online game simply called The Elder Scrolls Online. Of these games, an event that happens in Oblivion is very significant which I will go over shortly, because it relates to something similar in Avatar.

If at this point you're asking yourself, "What is the point of this post?" It is to simply share a lot of similarities I've noted as a fan of both Pandora, with Eywa and the Na'vi people, and of the world in The Elder Scrolls,with the Hist and Argonians. So, someone who knows both of these things might enjoy it! 

Now, if you don't know about The Elder Scrolls (hereby shortened to TES), I hope to pique your interest, because I absolutely fell in love with the Argonians, a bipedal reptilian race of beings, after an experience playing through their home of Blackmarsh in The Elder Scrolls Online. I'm not actually one who cares for MMOs, but I hope to visit Blackmarsh again soon because it is simply so amazing. I'm going to share a little about that experience further down, but for now I should return to the subject of the Hist.

The Hist -- it is both singular and plural. It may very well be one consciousness, or perhaps it works like the Borg do in Star Trek. What we do know about the Hist trees is that they are "are a species of giant spore trees growing in the innermost swamps of Black Marsh." Additionally, "Argonians are known to have deep connections with the Hist, calling themselves the people of the root, and licking the leaking sap of their trunks in religious rites. Others claim the trees are, in fact, a sentient race, more ancient than all the races of man and mer. Hist trees usually have red bioluminescent flowers growing out of them," though one tree does have blue bioluminscient flowers instead.

Usually, a tribe of Argonians is centered around a single Hist tree, meaning that different Hist trees have different tribes. It is said in TES lore that each tribe's culture, how the Argonians look and what they do is actually determined by their Hist tree. You can tell easily what tribe an Argonian comes from based on their unique looks and their tribal culture.


Some of the very first Argonians we meet in their native Blackmarsh are those of the Bright-Throat tribe. They are delightful and kind people who brighten their scales with various dyes and love wearing bright clothing. "The Tribe is mainly made out of artisans and its members are also known to have a preternatural talent for the arts of merchants, diplomats and woodcarvers. They are hospitable to all, even outsiders. Their scales are brightly colored." 


Contrast this with the Naga-Kur, the very opposite of the Bright-Throat tribe: they are warriors, and with their adder-shaped heads they do not look friendly at all.


 I find both tribes and cultures just completely and utterly fascinating. Even with their differences, they still do have a lot in common. The missions and characters met in Blackmarsh in TES Online reminded me so much of Pandora and its potential tribes that I just completely fell in love with the entire race right then and there (sorry, Khajiit!)

Like the Na'vi, Argonians live in simple villages do not seem to want for outsider influence. They have a deep relationship with their Hist and with nature, living off the land. They do not take more than they need (for the most part; one tribe is an exception to this) and they live in the depths of a gigantic forest-swamp. They are more than content following the will of the Hist, and what I'm about to say brings me to an interesting thought and one reason for this post: it is theorized that in this world, Argonians are basically mind-slaves to the will of the Hist, and I want to argue that all the fauna on Pandora, Na'vi included, share a similarly dark position with Eywa.

Let me preface this with a basic fact of life I think we can all agree on: no animal or sentient creature aims for death or to kill itself, instinctually speaking. Yet in both TES and on Pandora, a sentient tree with a will and a mission basically hijacks its own denizens and sends them straight into war, to almost certain death--surely against their individual will.

I should note something interesting at this point about Argonians. All of those born in Blackmarsh are, upon hatching, given golden sap from the village Hist tree to ingest. This sap is both fatal to humans and can have dire, very trippy consequences. But the Argonians have a natural immunity (for the most part) and in fact form their bond with the Hist through this sap. Because of this, essentially, Argonians not born in Black Marsh and therefore not connected to the Hist are completely removed from the Hist. There is no queue braid to connect with here. The life-long bond to the Hist is formed through drinking the sap as a hatchling.

In TES IV: Oblivion, to keep is very short and sweet without going into deep lore, a bunch of demons called daedra invaded the entirety of Tamriel, the main continent in TES. But, the Hist actually warned the Argonians ahead of time about the impending invasion. How the Hist knew is a topic for a non-Avatar post. But the demons were coming from their land of Oblivion (hence the name of the game) and only one people had any warning. What is important to know about this is that because of this, the Argonians amassed as a great force. And while most of the rest of the world and all the races in it were facing literal oblivion, the Argonians basically laughed and invaded Oblivion instead, forcing the demons to close their Oblivion gates and ending the invasion crisis. Basically, they saved the world, and I get to enjoy a bunch of memes about how cool Argonians actually are.


(Disclaimer: Not an actual Argonian)

  If you're still with me, thank you! I better finally swing this post over to Pandora and Avatar. Before the big battle where Jake knows the Na'vi are about to get pounded by the RDA, he takes a moment to pray to Eywa. When Neytiri observes him, she tells him rather plainly that Eywa does not take sides, and only "protects the balance of life." 

This line leads me to a hypothesis I have, and that was that Neytiri wasn't wrong at all, even though Eywa seemed to ultimately decide, "Yes, I'm totally taking a side here." If you have seen the Extended Edition of Avatar (and if you haven't, get on that!), you see just how bad off Earth is in Jake's time. There really is no green, and the air is almost non-breathable. I think Eywa saw perfectly that humans meant no real balance of life. Humans are basically a virus on the Earth that will kill its host without realizing its own doom, and Eywa saw this clear as day.

So how does this tie into everything about the Argonians and the Hist? Because Eywa does what the Hist does: she communicates (How, I wonder? Surely ikran do not have their own Tree of Souls? Hmm....) with the various fauna of Pandora and all those animals variously go ham on the humans, giving them a taste of their own medicine and driving them back: much like the Argonians did with the demon daedra in TES. And much like the Argonians, I don't think they actually had much of a choice. In TES it is implied they did not, and on Pandora I think this is most certainly the case.

Certainly the palulukan (thanator) that bows to Neytiri to consent to being bonded with did not actually consent willingly, but was forced to. I can't imagine such a proud and noble predator doing anything to a Na'vi other than having one as a snack, much like one tried to do with Jake. And certainly many of those ikran, and that very palulukan, end up dead by the end of the battle--a battle they would never have entered if Eywa didn't command them to go.

Honestly, I am fascinated both by the similarities between the Na'vi and Argonians and the Hist and Eywa, and the possibility that there is a possibly dark side to the global network of consciousness that is Eywa. Remember Neytiri's words (her warning?), "Eywa does not take sides." Hmm!!

Well, I do hope this post has stirred some thought about potential possibilities on the horizon, and for those who played any of the TES games and are also Avatar fans, I hope you appreciate Argonians all the more! Lastly, I will be doing at least one if not two more posts about ideas connecting TES and Pandora, so I hope you enjoy them!

A Short Review of Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora and What I ACTUALLY Wish I Knew Before Buying

By short review, this is actually a re-posting of a post I left on the Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Facebook page because... oh. my. Eywa.  ...